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In this exhibition of black and whit and color photography the extreme
transition in fashion photography that occurred in the mid 1960s is
documented. Until the early 1960's fashion photography idealized the elegant upper
class woman. Sophisticated, arrogant and highly refined, this image was
defined by Horst, Cecil Beaton and Penn. This formalized woman, seen in
black and white in minimal sets in the studio, was created to sho clothes
In this period, models began to emerge as personalities and to be known
by name. Lisa Fonsagrives, Suzy Parker, Dovira and Jean l'atchett among
others became known to readers of Vogur and Harper's Razaar
In the mid 1960's fastion and fashion photography reflected the radical
social changes that were taking place in the culture. The establishment
was being replaced by a new youth driven pop embracing culture.
Instead of fasluon filtering down to the masses, it now originated in the
streets and the static, dignified beauties gave way to teen-agers whose
awkward posture and innocent expressions became the new feminine.

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