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In this exhibition of black and white photography, two bodies of work are featured, the surfing culture of Montauk, Long Island and the elite young of Havana.

The theme of Dweck’s work is the glorification of youth, sensuality, flirtation and eroticism in groups of beautiful young people pursuing pleasure, whether in clubs, the ocean, scruffy motel rooms or decayed villas.

The End is a look at the surfing subculture of Montauk, Long Island. Centered around Ditch Plains, the action takes place before and after surfing, getting into and out of the water. Equally important is the sense of community and the possibility of physical encounters.

Habana Libre also takes within a subculture: the young, privileged elite in the “classless” society at the tail end of Castro’s Cuba. Highly charged, sexually provocative, these beautiful young people also hang together, possibly looking toward and even more liberated future.

Michael Dweck was born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island. He now lives in Manhattan. He studied arts at the Pratt Institute and had a successful career in advertising before turning to photography.

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