Phil Stern
Marlon Brando, 1954

Phil Stern
Anita Ekberg, Contact Sheet, 1953

Phil Stern
Sammy Davis Jr., 1947

Phil Stern
Joe Jones Drums and Lester Young

Phil Stern
Buddy De Franco, 1940s

Phil Stern
Sophia Loren Sitting Up in Bed

Phil Stern
Cole Porter, Audrey Hepburn, and Irving Berlin, 1954

Phil Stern
Marilyn Monroe on the Lot at Goldwyn Studios, 1955

Phil Stern
Sidney Poitier, Susan Strasberg, Stanley Kramer and George Stevens Jr., Moscow, 1967

Phil Stern
Oscar Peterson, Ed Thigpen and Ray Brown, 1958

Phil Stern
Nat Kind Cole, Hollywood Night Club, c.1940

Phil Stern
Frank Sinatra, 1961

Phil Stern
Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Count Basie, 1950s

Phil Stern
Marlon Brando at the 1954 Academy Awards Ceremony

Phil Stern
Anita Ekberg, 1955

Phil Stern
Anita Ekberg, Publicity Shoot, 1953

Phil Stern
Ray Charles Recording "Porgy and Bees", 1975

Phil Stern
JFK and Frank Sinatra, 1961

Phil Stern
Frank and Spence, 1960

Phil Stern
Jerry Wald and Cary Grant, 1941

Phil Stern
Ben Webster, 1952

Phil Stern
Frank Sinatra with Sammy Davis Jr. and Van Hussen

Phil Stern
Nelson Riddle and Frank Sinatra, "Arranging Ella!" 1961

Phil Stern
Natalie Wood, 1961

Phil Stern
Billie Holiday

Phil Stern
Marlene Dietrich, 1956

Phil Stern
John Wayne in Mexico, 1959

Phil Stern
Lester Young, 1947

Phil Stern
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Recording "Ella and Louis", 1956

Phil Stern
Bille Holiday, early 1950s

Phil Stern
Sinatra and JFK at the Inaugural Gala, January 1960

Phil Stern
Alfred Hitchcock, 1950's

Phil Stern
John Wayne on the Set of "War Wagon" Mexico, 1967

Phil Stern
Marlon Brando, 1954

Phil Stern
Marlon Brando with Sunglasses, 1954

Phil Stern
Court Basie During the Recording of "I Told You So", 1947

Phil Stern
Humphrey Bogart on the set of "Blood Alley", 1955

Phil Stern
Ray Charles and Cleo Laine Recording "Porgy and Bess", 1975

Phil Stern
The Rat Pack Performing at the Sands, Las Vegas, 1953

Phil Stern
Civilians During the German Bombing of Algiers Harbor, December 1942

Phil Stern
A Landing Craft Approaches the Sicilian Shore, July 10, 1943

Phil Stern
Rangers on a Mountaintop Overlooking a Tunisian Village, 1943

Phil Stern
Rita Moreno During a Rehearsal for "West Side Story", 1961

Phil Stern
Jackie Robinson During the Filming of "The J. Robinson Story", 1949

Phil Stern
Orson Welles Filming "The Magnificent Ambersons", 1942

Phil Stern
James Dean, 1955

Phil Stern
John Wayne and John Ford, "The Alamo", 1960

Phil Stern
James Dean with Friends at Googie's Diner, Hollywood, May, 1955

Phil Stern
Sidney Poitier, Tony Curtis, Sammy Davis Jr. & Jack Lemmon on the Lot of Goldwyn Studios, 1959

Phil Stern
Audrey Hepburn and her Husband, Mel Ferrer, 1960

Exhibition Invitation