Unknown Photographer
Josef von Sternberg, Maximilian Fabian, Conrad Nagel (left), Matthew Betz (behind sign), and Renee Adoree during the shooting of MGM's silent film "Exquisite Sinner", 1926
#Film #Photography #JosefvonSternberg #MaximilianFabian #ConradNagel #MatthewBetz #ReneeAdoree #1962 #ExquisiteSinner #SilentFilm #Hollywood

Arthur Rice
Alla Nazimova in "Camille", 1921
#Film #Photography #JosefvonSternberg #1921 #ArturEice #EllaNzimova #Camille #Hollywood

Arthur Rice
Rudolph Valentino in Rex Ingram's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", 1921
#ArturRice #1921 #RudolphValentino #FourHorsemenoftheApocalypse #Hollywood

Clarence Sinclair Bull
Mae Murray in "The Merry Widow", 1925
#ClarenceSinclairBull #MaeMurray #TheMerryWindow #1925 #Hollywood

Ernest Bachrach
Gloria Swanson, c. 1926
#ErnestBachrach #GloriaSwanson #1926 #Hollywood

James Manatt
Marion Davies with Camera, early 1930s
#JamesManatt #MarionDavies #Camera #Hollywood #1930

Virgil Apger
Clarence Sinclair Bull photographing Myrna Loy in "The Thin Man", 1934
#VirgilApger #ClarenceSinclairBull #MyrnaLoy #1934 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography

Ted Allan
"Dancing Lady", 1933
#TedAllan #DancingLady #1933 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Clarence Sinclair Bull
Greta Garbo, 1931
#ClarenceSinclairBull #GretaGarbo #1931 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

E.R. Richee
Gary Cooper, 1934
#ERRichee #GaryCooper #1934 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Harvey White
Jean Harlow in "Dinner at Eight", 1933
#HarveyWhite #Jeanharlow #DinneratEight #1933 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Ted Allan
Myrna Loy and Clark Gable in "Manhattan Melodrama", 1934
#TedAllan #MyrnaLoy #ClarkGable #ManhattanMelodrama #1934 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

William Walling Jr.
Marlene Dietrich, 1934
#WilliamWallingJr #MarleneDietrich #1934 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

William Walling Jr.
Gail Patrick, 1939
#WilliamWilliamJr #gAILpATRICK #1939 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Clarence Sinclair Bull
Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy in "Without Love", 1944
#ClarenceSinclairBull #KatharineHepburn #SpencerTracy #WithoutLove #1944 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Phil Stern
John Wayne and John Ford on the set of "The Alamo", 1960
#PhilStern #JohnWayne #JohnFord #TheAlamo #1960 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

A.L. (Whitey) Schafer
Rita Hayworth in "You Were Never Lovelier", 1942
#ALWhiteySchafer #RitaHayworth #YouWereNeverLovelier #1942 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Jerome Zerbe
Cary Grant and Randolph Scott, 1935
#JeromeZerbe #CaryGrant #RandolphScott #1935 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Robert Coburn
Hedy Lamarr, c. 1940s
#RoberCoburn #HedyLamarr #1940 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Roy Schatt
James Dean, 1954
#RoySchatt #JamesDean #1954 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

John Engstead
Marlon Brando in "A Streetcar Named Desire", 1951
#JohnEngstead #MarlonBrando #AstreetcarNamedDesire #1951 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Sid Avery
Audrey Hepburn on her bike at Paramount Studios, 1957
#SidAvery #AudreyHepburn #Bike #Paramount #Studios #1957 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Elliot Erwitt
Marilyn Monroe, New York, 1956
#ElliotErwitt #MarilynMonroe #NewYork #1956 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography

Bert Stern
Elizabeth Taylor as "Cleopatra", Rome, 1962
#BerStern #ElizabethTaylor #Cleopatra #Rome #1962 #Hollywood #FilmPhotography #BlackandWhitePhotography