Bob Willoughby
Alfred Hitchcock next to the Grandfather clock on on the Universal Studios set of Marnie, 1964
#hollywood #Hitchcock

Bob Willoughby
Frank Sinatra rehearsing for his show at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, 1960
#music #frank #sinatra

Bob Willoughby
Rat Pack rogues Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin photographed at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, 1960
#hollywood #ratpack #lawford #deanmartin #sinatra

Bob Willoughby
Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman on a specially constructed set at Paramount during filming of “The Graduate”, 1967
#hollywood #dustinhoffman #annebancroft

Bob Willoughby
Dirk Bogarde musing to himself on the set of “I Could Go on Singing”, Shepperton Studios, UK, 1962

Bob Willoughby
Audrey Hepburn getting into a car after her first photo shoot at Paramount, having recently finished her first film Roman Holiday, 1953
#hollywood #car #audreyhepburn #romanholiday

Bob Willoughby
Jane Fonda resting in a New York City garment factory during shooting of "Klute," 1970
#hollywood #newyork #janefonda

Bob Willoughby
Audrey Hepburn on set of Paris When It Sizzles at Boulogne Studios in Paris, 1962
#hollywood #audrey #hepburn

Bob Willoughby
Marilyn Monroe lost in her own thoughts on the set of “Let’s Make Love”, 1960
#hollywood #marilyn #monroe

Bob Willoughby
Kim Novak on the set of "The Man With the Golden Arm" 1955

Bob Willoughby
Elvis Presley and Sophia Loren at Paramount Studios, 1958
#hollywood #music

Bob Willoughby
Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, and crew are treated to an impromptu concert by Louis Armstrong on the MGM set of “High Society”, 1956
#hollywood #music

Bob Willoughby
Billie Holiday singing her plaintive songs at the Tiffany Club in Los Angeles, 1952
#hollywood #music

Bob Willoughby
Chet Baker resting after a recording session with Gerry Mulligan, Los Angeles, 1953

Bob Willoughby
Judy Garland on the set of A Star Is Born, Burbank, California, 1954

Bob Willoughby
Elizabeth Taylor throws a dressing gown over her costume on the MGM set of “Raintree County”, 1956
#hollywood #liztaylor

Bob Willoughby
Audrey Hepburn on the set of Paris When it Sizzles, 1962
#hollywood #dog #animal